Legal Notice

The domain cimtaxlegal is an Internet domain owned by CIMTAX LEGAL SLP, with registered address at Avinguda Diagonal, 543. Planta 8 Edifici MGS, 08029 (Barcelona). Contact email:


This website is owned by CIMTAX LEGAL SLP. Its use is subject to the following terms of use. Please read them carefully. By accessing this website and using the materials contained in it, you acknowledge that you have read and unconditionally accept these terms. The use of certain spaces or services contained in this website may be subject to specific conditions of use. This is particularly the case with the online service, the terms of use of which are indicated on the access pages. Please carefully read the mentioned conditions. The use of these services will imply acceptance of the specific conditions that may apply to them.

Terms of Use

This website contains materials prepared by CIM Tax & Legal for informational purposes only. The user must take into account that the materials may not reflect the most recent legal or jurisprudential state on the issues analyzed. Additionally, these materials may be modified, developed, or updated without prior notice. The materials contained on this website cannot, under any circumstances, be considered a substitute for legal or other professional advice. Access to these materials does not intend to establish or imply any attorney-client relationship or any other form of trust or professional relationship between CIM Tax & Legal and the user of this website. Therefore, the user should not act based on the information contained herein without first seeking the appropriate professional advice. Furthermore, the user should not send any confidential information to CIM Tax & Legal without prior consultation with one of our attorneys and obtaining authorization to submit such information. The links contained on this website may lead the user to other websites and web pages managed by third parties over which CIM Tax & Legal has no control or responsibility. CIM Tax & Legal does not endorse or assume any responsibility for the content or state of those mentioned websites and web pages, and accessing them through this website does not imply any endorsement or approval by CIM Tax & Legal of their content.

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Anyone who uses this website does so at their own risk. CIM Tax & Legal, its partners, collaborators, employees, and representatives shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions that the contents of this website or other contents accessed through it may suffer. CIM Tax & Legal, its partners, collaborators, employees, and representatives shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of this website or any actions taken based on the information provided herein. CIM Tax & Legal does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that may cause damage or alterations to the user's computer system, electronic documents, or files. Consequently, CIM Tax & Legal shall not be held responsible for any damages or losses that such elements may cause to the user or third parties.

Data Protection

The information received by CIM Tax & Legal from users of this website, through online inquiries or form submissions, is treated with the utmost confidentiality. In the case of online inquiries, this information is used solely to respond to the questions raised. The received information is not used for any other purpose. Some of the services included on this website require the collection of personal data. In order to provide these services, CIM Tax & Legal may need to request certain data from the user, which are considered essential. During the data collection process, the user will be informed of the necessary nature of such data. If these mandatory data are not provided, it will not be possible to provide these services. In relation to the data requested as outlined in the previous sections, the user may exercise the rights recognized by the law, including the rights of access, rectification, cancellation of data, and opposition, if applicable, as well as the right to revoke the consent given for the transfer of their data. These rights may be exercised by the user or, where applicable, by their legal representative, through a written and signed request sent to the following email address: or by regular mail to Avinguda Diagonal, 543. Planta 8 Edifici MGS, 08029 (Barcelona). The request must include the following information: user's full name, address for notifications, photocopy of the National Identity Document or passport, and specific content of the right being exercised. CIM Tax & Legal will store the personal data provided and will take necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access. CIM Tax & Legal will fulfill these obligations in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Copyright © 2023 CIM Tax & Legal. All rights reserved.

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The user may view the contents of the website owned by CIM Tax & Legal, for his/her exclusive personal and private use. The user will respect at all times all intellectual and industrial property rights over the site owned by CIM Lawyers.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

These conditions of access are subject to the laws of Spain and its courts.